Chimney Lake Campgrounds
There are three locations to choose from at Chimney Lake operated by Recreation Sites and Trails BC. Each with camping pads, picnic tables, fire rings, and an area to park camping units. Plus, the Canadian Legion operates a camp site on Felker Lake.
Chimney Main
The “Chimney Main” site can be accessed from Chimney Lake Rd at the south end of the lake. This site has 18 pads with 4 toilets and 4 garbage cans. Here you will also find the day site and beach, which has 8 tables, 2 garbage cans, and 2 toilets. The Main site also is equipped with a handicapped toilet located across from the #9 site. There is also a boat launch area.
South Road
The “South Road” site is a smaller camping area and can be accessed by turning onto Chimney Lake Rd South. This site has 7 pads, 1 garbage can, and 1 toilet. Preferred by groups using the community hall, and golfers.
Center Site
The “Center” site (formerly the Agricultural watering reserve) can be accessed off of the main Chimney Rd. This site has 8 camping spots, 4 on each side of the boat launch. It is a “free form” site, and can fit up to 20 trailers there at one time. There are two outhouses, and two garbage cans. This site has perhaps the best boat launch, and is preferred by the ATV riders, who can drive directly up the hill into the logging trails and landings.
Felker Lake Campground
Felker Lake has one “Main” site located at the north end of the lake.
This site has 12 pads to choose from, 3 toilets, and 4 garbage cans. There is also a day site near the boat launch with 5 tables. This area may be used for camping when the rest of the site is full. There is a handicapped toilet located in the middle of the site.
Wildlife and Waterfowl
Chimney and Felker lake are surrounded by nature. This is why this area is a popular destination for residents and visitors alike. And it means that there is wildlife and waterfowl in the area.
- Please do not disturb, tease or cause harm to any animals or birds.
- Please report wildlife sightings and/or animal injuries to RAPP
- Please do not leave food or garbage lying around, as it may attract animals.
- Please do not feed any wildlife