The Chimney Felker Lake Landholders Association Board is responsible for the long-term planning and vision of the community, as well as key governance issues ensuring the associations financial viability and its environmental sustainability.

The CFLLA Board is committed to open, regular and transparent communication with the community. We encourage the community to provide input, feedback and ideas about how to make Chimney / Felker Lake a great place to live, work and play.

The current CFLLA Board Members:

  • President: Nadine Bunting
  • Vice-President: Sue Moxey
  • Secretary/Treasurer: Sandi Field
  • Past President: Allen Schaad


  • Leanne McKerlich
  • Cindy Bornyk 
  • Carrie Kerley
  • Susan Erlandson
  • Betsy West
  • Ron Blake
  • Jody Dyer
  • Maythe Moreno
  • Al Richmond

If you have a question or an opinion that you would like to share with the Board, please send an email to: (Hey we are all volunteers so be patient with your expectation of a reply.)

Correspondence that requests an action will be put forward for consideration at a Board meeting.